14/52: Lucy the Tagalong (and Flowers and Baking)

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Lucy is still not really walking, which cracks me up. She'll take 5-10 steps on her own and then get down and bear crawl wherever she wants to go, particularly outside... For a while the other day she watched the other kids play on the other side of the driveway, intending to go join them, but unwilling to actually get there. By summer she'll be running after them everywhere!

The lilacs are in full bloom and it is GLORIOUS. We've also got violets, bluets, phlox, early irises, grape hyacinths, and plenty of other things brightening up the yard outside. It's absolutely gorgeous and I have fresh flowers on the table every day! Not very Lenten I suppose, but it's almost Easter.

Meanwhile I've been trying out new (and old) bread recipes and perfecting techniques. I don't know that my pretzel shaping will EVER be perfect, but goodness they sure do taste good!


  1. Loved seeing the lilacs! We had a lilac bush at our old place and tried to bring some of it along with us when we moved but it didn't survive. I miss it.

    1. Oh that is so frustrating!! I wish I could give you some of ours ❤️


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