20/52: Homemade Glasses and Bird Funerals

Sunday, May 24, 2020

One thing you will never hear me lament is the children's lack of creativity. I don't know where they get their ideas!! Last week's major project involved using old binocular lenses to make "glasses" for everyone, using floral wire and duct tape. Some people are learning useful skills during quarantine, they're making ineffective fake glasses. I think I have surreptitiously managed to throw them all away? They were not the sturdiest things, that's for sure.

A very sad several minutes occurred when Elizabeth found a nest that had fallen out of the forsythia bush, with a dead baby bird next to it. She was particularly sad about it, and the other kids joined in the mourning out of sympathy and also boredom. They used a trowel to gently place the bird in its nest, dug a hole, and buried it carefully. I did not tell them about the regurgitated baby bird I had found in the garden earlier... I blame the cat.


  1. Haha . . . my kids LOVE burying birds . . . and let's be honest any small dead animal. It almost makes them happy to find a dead bird so they have something to bury.

    1. The last funeral they had was for a dead mouse (which they accidentally killed but still...). There were MANY songs sung for it! It's so, so funny!

  2. The glasses made for one of their American Girl dolls were particularly useful.

    1. Much less likely to fall apart than their own!


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