11/52: Lucy's First Photo Shoot

Monday, March 18, 2019

Okay, so none of these photos are mine... My friend Rachel is MUCH more capable and talented than I am with the camera, and she came over when Lucy was 9 days old to take some pictures. These are some of my favorites, but she got SO many good ones! Even though we both realized at the beginning that neither one of us is a very capable swaddler... And Lucy decided that after sleeping nonstop she was going to be awake and RAVENOUS for her closeups, hence all the squinty-eye-tongue-out pictures. Ah, newborns... Always so predictable!

Lucy will be a month old tomorrow and I feel like we're sort of getting into our groove? Figuring out our new normal, getting back to cooking, garden planning, regular schooling... I think her weight gain is finally on track, thankfully (and THAT is a post for another day!), and she's pretty close to being willing to nurse lying down during the night, so I'm hoping for more sleep soon! Everybody adores her but the intense desire to hold her has worn off for most of them, because now it's mostly Cecilia who wants to hold her, then changes her mind once Lucy spits up on her.

Peter cracks me up in the pictures above, especially the ones where he's holding Lucy. He's convinced that he needs to make a circle with his arms in order to hold her, for some reason? Thankfully on this particular day, the friend I hired as a post partum doula was around, and gave him a little coaching session, so his technique is much improved.

Now that they're no longer completely obsessed with holding her, they have to fight over who lies next to her when she's on the floor or who sits next to her during her rare moments in the bouncy seat. It's helpful for a little while because the attention keeps her entertained, until they start fighting over who she's looking at/who's closer to her/who got to sit next to her last, you name it. Shockingly, she doesn't like it when they start screaming in her face.

Edith probably gets the most quality time with Lucy, since she likes to sit right next to me while I'm nursing her and hold her feet, mash her head into Lucy's belly to "hug" her, try to hold Lucy's hand... I told her that when Lucy's older, she'll be happy to hold Edith's hand, and Peter has officially been rejected as best friend because now YUCY is Edith's best friend. Although mostly Edith insists on referring to the two of them as Honey (Edith) and Hopper (Lucy), their Calico Critter alter egos. Because obviously.


  1. I love the picture of Peter holding Lucy with his big beautiful eyes. Lucy is absolutely gorgeous by the way. All the pictures are wonderful and will be so nice to have in five or even twenty years!

    I have two girls (23 mo & 6 mo) whenever the older starts scream crying because she doesn't get her way, it makes the baby smile which is weird haha. Siblings.
    You've got a stunning group of kids there, that's for sure!

    1. It's amazing how used to the screaming they already are from hearing it in utero 😂😂😂

  2. So adorable! I have that pink monkey sleeper too lol. It's probably Carter's.. they are everywhere!
    My son (2 months younger than Peter) always tries to wrestle the babies (sister a month younger than Edith, & 7 month old baby). He wants to lie on top of them. Yesterday the 2 yo figured out how to actually wrestle him (or wanted to for once?) and he was over the moon.

    1. I think we've had that sleeper since the twins were babies! It's definitely made the rounds—it cracks me up how you can tell when people had their first boy or girl based on which Carter's clothes they have!

  3. Precious, precious photos. Thanks for sharing and God bless you all! <3

  4. i love the first picture for a funny/silly reason... you can see all your slippers in the shot!! that is real mom life there!!! but really all the pictures are fabulous!!!

    1. Ha! Our house is so cold that slippers are a necessity, socks get torn up on the stone floors in the kitchen & bathrooms!

  5. Oh Cecilia is such a pro! So beautiful!

    1. She's had lots of practice, but she's also a natural compared to the others!


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