18/52: Chick Days

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Meet the newest members of the crew! Well, they'll only be here through July, actually... After that they'll take up residence in the freezer. We've raised chickens for meat before, and everybody's looking forward to having a new batch available for all our cooking needs! Though the new hatchery we ordered from this time hasn't been as good as the ones we've used in the past. We've rarely lost chicks before, and FOUR from this batch have died, and the hatchery didn't even send any extras to account for the inevitable early fatalities. So now I'm tempted to just use the laying hens we've got and breed from those for meat chicks, so we can save a little money? Most of our hens are dual-purpose anyway, good for both eggs and meat, and our rooster takes his job very seriously. But you probably stopped reading after the third sentence of this paragraph anyway!

I'll start again.

Look! Fluffy adorable chicks! Everybody loves to hold them for a while and then wash their hands thoroughly afterwards. The perfect spring activity!


  1. I actually really enjoyed this post haha. We raised meat birds (Cornish hens I think?) for the first time last year and it was incredible just to raise our own meat and have a freezer full at a relatively low price! Will you be raising pigs this year? I’ve always wanted to try that.

    1. We are hoping to raise pigs again this year! Just need to take care of the fencing situation 😊


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