WIWS: Magic School Bus-style

Sunday, January 26, 2014

You know that moment when your 4.5yo is actually doing a decent job during Mass, but then he decides he wants to pretend that the church is a bus and that it's shrinking and we're all turning into bees?   Really loudly?

Ohhh yeah, me neither.

Thankfully, Cecilia spent the entire Mass reading her Beginner's Bible, because she has learned to recognize the words Jesus, Mary, and baby and tried to find them on every page.

Seriously, best ever.  She didn't even finish the book and was totally quiet the whole time because she was working so hard!

A stellar conversation was had by all after Mass.  

JP:  Father, did you know I'm very cold?  Because it's only 18 degrees outside!
Cecilia:  Did you know it's almost my birfday?  And Gwampa and Vicki gave me dis neckwace!

Hair:  Halfhearted attempt at this pin
Scarf:  Zulily (tied according to this pin)
Cardigan:  Banana Republic via Twice
Dress:  Tommy Hilfiger via Twice (super-light and summer-weight, but with layers it works great for winter!)
Boots:  Same old, same old.
Tights:  Wal-Mart, $5 and holding up shockingly well!
Belt:  Stolen off an old pair of pants...

Crazy poses:  Courtesy of John Paul resetting the camera settings, making the auto-timer take a loooong time between each shot... We got bored. 

Linking up with Fine Linen & Purple, and don't forget to link your funny quotes up tomorrow for What They Said!


  1. Love it! (And isn't that the best way to tie a scarf ever?)

  2. I love your outfit today, Rosie! It's really beautiful and looks so great on you!

  3. My $5 Wal-Mart tights have held up shockingly well this winter as well! I'm pretty excited, I got two pairs and basically wear them several times a week and they've lasted really well.

  4. Oh, Rosie. You are just so beautiful that it breaks my heart!

    1. In case you guys thought this comment was awkward, you should know that this is Rosie's mom, so it's actually just really sweet.

  5. The difference between you and me is as your camera timer ticks down, you and the kiddos get even cuter. I just get more awkward, and my kids walk away. :) Lovely outfit as always!

  6. What awesome pictures! And yes, my daughter has a pair of cheap-o Walmart calbe knit tights for school that have held up just as well as the super $$$ Lands End pair I bought her. WHO KNEW?

  7. Haha that last shot is my favorite!!

    1. Leave it to Cecilia to give everyone a butt view :P

  8. Great outfit, Rosie! And I love how your hair turned out!

  9. I always buy my tights t Walmart, and they hold up forever!!

    Great outfit--you are just adorable!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This might be my favorite of all your outfits. I'm definitely a sucker for stripes, and your cardigan is perfect.


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