We're nearing the end of the year, so I suppose it makes sense to do a roundup of this year's most popular posts—overall, my page views definitely went down significantly because I discontinued the My Sunday Best linkup, but my Sunday stress levels also went down because I wasn't trying to squeeze in a post, so the trade-off was worth it to me!
January's most popular post:
Social Media and the Death of Authentic Friendship — I love the dear, dear friends I've made through social media, but it's always incredibly depressing to see how easily people write each other off solely because of arguments on social media.
Top Posts of 2018
Monday, December 17, 2018
Friday, December 7, 2018
Hooray, Friday! I told the kids we would take things easy for school for Advent and John Paul is NOT pleased that this means he doesn't get to just completely slack off... But hey, we still need to do MOST of our subjects, it's just very likely that science will get dropped soon because I don't feel like reading it by the time we're done with everything else.
How about 7 Quick Takes?
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How about 7 Quick Takes?
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