Can I just make up my own daybook? Is that how it works? Because there's just a whole lot of random swirling around here...
Thinking about...
Blog comments! I try my best to respond to all, but sometimes it takes a few days to actually sit down at the computer and do it! And sometimes when I finally get the chance to sit down at the computer, I'm trying to hammer out a quick post so there's no time to get to the comments.
I love it when you comment, though! And I especially love it if you have a link back to your blog so I can come visit you in your space - I've found some of my favorite bloggers through the comment sections on
other blogs, so please don't feel shameless about sharing your links here! I think a lot of you have a lot in common with one another and would be great friends!
Excited for...
The Catholic Women Blogging Network Mid-Atlantic mini-conference this weekend! Sweet Julie of These Walls is hosting it and I'm so excited to spend time with friends I already know in real life, and to finally meet these friends I've made in the blogging world! I *may* overgram it a little for you all, just because I know I really enjoyed following the Indiana and California conferences.
This hat is slightly too small for my head, but I wear it anyway because hats! I do wish I could find one or two that fit properly for the spring and summer, though... |
All the full skirts! Which requires ironing, but I saw a tip a while back that said just to iron things immediately before wearing them, and it's actually working great for me! I sneak downstairs while the kids are snacking in the morning, let the iron heat up while I'm choosing an outfit, iron whatever skirt or dress I've got a hankering for, and am ready in no time!
No, I don't iron every day... Maybe twice a week? Linking it up with Fine Linen & Purple for What I Wore Sunday!
One of the tomato plants started flowering this week! The carrots are sprouting, peas are shooting up, pole beans are being sabotaged by one or both of the twins... We planted cosmos, marigolds, zinnias, and basil in one of the beds yesterday and I'm excited to have lots of flowers growing!
My view...
Yes, that's an onion... I'm gonna plant it! |
John Paul picked this Mary statue out at Franciscan Monastery we visited last weekend, and graciously consented to let me put it on the kitchen windowsill - I'm thankful that I got these little bud vases at a thrift store a while ago, because Mary is constantly being graced with tiny little bouquets of violets or single flowers from the garden.
We hit up the library used book sale and found all the Little House books for $1/each! So now the kids have been carrying them all around the house, reading them nonstop...
Meanwhile, we're about to finish up 5 Children and It, and are getting ready to start My Father's Dragon. I'm not sure if I want to continue with Nesbit right now - the chapters are long, the humor seems to be largely lost on John Paul and Cecilia... Maybe we'll come back to the books in a couple of years.
Oh, do I have recipes I want to share with you! I keep promising to write out my recipe for bacon mac 'n cheese, and I promise that will happen soon. Also marinated flank steak for the grill, grilled asparagus, maybe a salad dressing recipe? I just really love cooking and am so excited to be getting things on the grill now! I'd make burgers for dinner every night if it didn't feel like junk food.
The kids...
This tiny argyle cardigan makes me smile - Mary Claire wore it with a green seersucker dress to Mass with me yesterday and was adorable enough to make up for her behavior... Hitting her head on the pew, necessitating speedy removal (of course we were sitting in the front... But the big kids stayed put quietly for the rest of the Homily while I was out with her!), complaining that she wanted to go outside, asking when Mass would be over, asking when we would sing, asking when we could talk... Really, predictable behavior for a 2-year-old but she and Elizabeth had been doing so much better lately! I suppose we were due for a setback.
I've resigned myself to the fact that he's just another high-maintenance baby. We don't make them easy, apparently. Sleeping while not being held is so rare that I have to take a picture when it happens!
I ordered a bunch of new clothes for the kids (
still 50% off at Children's Place! And free shipping!) and John Paul was SO excited that he had to try on the new clothes immediately. And then tuck his shirt into his pants, find the tool box, and shove every tool into every utility pocket. This boy just OOZES cool.
Meanwhile, Cecilia crafted herself a "dress" out of a blanket and bag clips. Project Runway, here she comes!
And I cut the back of Elizabeth's hair! The mullet just wasn't cutting it anymore, but I felt terrible chopping those locks she had spent YEARS growing! It looks so much better now, though.
What are you cooking/reading/growing? I'd love suggestions!