43/52: Fall Garden and Stoic Babies
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Monday, October 28, 2019
If I'm grading math worksheets, I shouldn't have to ask a child multiple times which number each squiggle actually represents! So Channie's Visual Handwriting & Math workbooks, with their neat, color-coded boxes looked right up our alley. Cecilia is in 3rd grade and has just started with more complicated multiplication, so their One Page A Day 2 Digit Multiplication practice was just what she needed for a little extra drilling. And in the hopes of preventing this from becoming an issue later on, Peter tried out the Neat Numbers workbook.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Oh hiiiiii the baby has been up since before 6 and nobody else is waking any time soon so... Might as well get some blogging in (apparently I'm publishing one million posts this week, sorry?).
curly girl,
gift guide,
liturgical living,
what we're reading
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
It's Stitch Fix time again! I was waiting until I'd lost some more of the baby weight, but the tricky thing about losing baby weight is that 1. the baby has to let me actually put her down in order for me to exercise and 2. I really should stop eating so much chocolate if I ever want to lose this extra weight... So I did stop buying chocolate (because I'm incapable of pacing myself right now, apparently) but did not start exercising (because the baby still doesn't really allow herself to be put down), and ended up with some credit in my account anyway, so why not try a Fix?
First, here is the outfit I happened to be wearing when my box arrived (none of these are Stitch Fix items):

First, here is the outfit I happened to be wearing when my box arrived (none of these are Stitch Fix items):
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
School started back up in August and I wasn't quite sure how much the girls' math skills had atrophied over our long break... Turns out it was a lot. This was something I'd never dealt with before! Suddenly there were temper tantrums accompanying every single math lesson because all three had magically forgotten everything they had learned over the past year.
I was exhausted dealing with it. There had to be some easy way to get those skills back! So I pretty much jumped at the chance to let them try Smartick. Smartick is an app that helps them review math skills while automatically tracking progress and offering more practice in problem areas.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Much like a large portion of the world's population (right? probably?), I dislike washing dishes. So I don't love baking, because of how many dishes I end up needing to wash afterwards! But this? Mix it in the pan, bake it in the pan, no multiple bowls & other dishes needed! And it's highly likely these are pantry staples that you always have on hand, so this is the perfect last-minute dessert.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Friday, October 11, 2019
All Saints Day approaches, and with it comes the onslaught of slightly weird pictures of kids dressed as saints, so very niche that only those of us with ridiculous amounts of Catholic friends will truly appreciate it. Some people go all out, but... We are not some people.
I can't do the handmade costumes. It's just not my charism. But I can buy things to stock the dress-up bin so that when the All Saints Day party rolls around, the kids have decent options to choose from. Want to follow suit? Here are 7 of our must-haves:
I can't do the handmade costumes. It's just not my charism. But I can buy things to stock the dress-up bin so that when the All Saints Day party rolls around, the kids have decent options to choose from. Want to follow suit? Here are 7 of our must-haves: