Knock knock jokes

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Cecilia and John Paul, both being approximately the same emotional age, are learning about knock knock jokes, but they don't quite get the point...

John Paul: OH I want to tell a knock knock joke!
Me: Okay...
John Paul: Knock knock!
Me: Who's there?
John Paul: Interrupting Cow!
Me: Interrupting Cow who?
John Paul: ... MOO!

Cecilia: Knock Knock!
Me: Who's there?
Cecilia: Interrupting Cat!
Me: Interrupting Cat who?
Cecilia: Uh... Mawwy Cwaire! KNOCK KNOCK!
Me: Who's there?
Cecilia: Interrupting Dog!
Me: Interrupting Dog who?
Cecilia: EWIZABEFF!!!

John Paul: I want to do interrupting mouse!
Me: Okay...
John Paul: Knock knock!
Me: Who's there?
John Paul: Interrupting mouse!
Me: Interrupting mouse who?

One of these days they'll get it... But they still think it's pretty funny!

I felt like a really good mom this morning, letting the kids do a "science experiment" while the babies napped. 

Baking soda + vinegar - how exciting!

Even though John Paul soon decided just to dump his whole bowl of vinegar into the pan...

Next time I'll try food coloring added to the vinegar, and separate containers for both kids (which I should have done to begin with!).


  1. First of all, you should feel like a good mom every day. Because you are! :) And if you happen to feel like you're not, take a minute and read this blog entry: Every time I think about you I still can't figured out how you do it every day, but there you are doing it and doing it well! And good job with the science experimenting. What a great idea! :)

    Second, the first knock knock joke actually made me laugh out loud so JP and Cecilia aren't the only ones who think it's funny.

    1. You know, I don't ever really think I'm not a good mom, just a lazy/busy mom who doesn't have time to enrich the kids outside of every day reading and playing, so I feel AWESOME when I do something new and exciting with them, particularly since I'm not going to be taking them out of the house until approximately 2014...

  2. Next you can teach them about riddles.
    "What's black and white and multicolored and comes out of the room when you sneeze?"
    I probably already told you that story, but it seems appropriate here.

  3. Here I am again with my book recommendations!! My kids love the Interrupting *fill in the animal* Knock Knock jokes, so they LOVE this book:

    1. I totally forgot joke books exist! I need to get some from the library, John Paul would go nuts!

  4. hahahahaha oh noooooooo the interrupting cow joke!!! My favorite part about that one is how 3 year olds aren't fast enough with the response to actually interrupt you!!!

    1. Right? And I say it sooooo slowly and he just never gets it!


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