1. Nursing-wear
Oh yes, I had a few of those awkwardly-designed "nursing tops" when I was first nursing John Paul. I feel like those are made to fit MUCH more well-endowed ladies than I, plus they ended up sagging in the wrong places and were just UGLY!
I loved my nursing tank tops, but there came a point when I wanted more support, and layering a nursing bra + nursing tank was just a little too much...
Enter Undercover Mama Nursing Tank
- I cannot even describe how perfect this is! It hooks on to your nursing bra so that you're essentially creating your own nursing tank top with actual support! This is a huge plus for me, because I don't really use a cover while nursing (like Jenna!), and it's really awkward when my older kids point out my wrinkly belly button, so I use my nursing tank to cover that belly and give a little more warmth. It's nice and long, but thin enough that it can be easily tucked. Basically I love it and think you should get some!
2. Scarves!
I didn't really get into scarves until recently, and I don't know why! Before I had the twins, any time I wanted to wear a dress or top that needed to be pulled down instead of up, I had to make sure to bring a nursing cover (because I've never been an "over-the-top" kind of girl when it comes to nursing in public). But oh man, scarves make this SO much easier! Just drape a scarf over any exposed area and poof! Instant nursing cover but it's so much more discrete than an actual tent-like cover! And I can SEE my babies! AND it gives the twins something to fiddle with while they're nursing so that they don't gouge each other's eyes out!
If you can't get out of the house, Amazon has a surprisingly fashionable assortment of scarves
, and you can also find reasonably-priced and cute scarves at Target and Forever 21. Or get someone crafty to make you some!
3. A nursing pillow
I loved my boppy
when I was nursing John Paul and Cecilia (and really, it's a great pillow to have around for tummy time and sitting up, even if you don't use it to nurse!). And my Ez-2-Nurse (similar to My Brest Friend
) pillow was faaaabulous when I was nursing the twins, particularly since I could hook it around my back in the event that I needed to get up while nursing them in order to transfer them to bouncy seats/wipe toddler bottoms/carry a toddler upstairs for a timeout...
As babies get older, pillow become less necessary. But it's SUCH a nice help to have one if possible!
4. If you're pumping...
Oh pleeeease get yourself a pumping bra
! It's so awkward and uncomfortable to have to hold that double pump, and my life was so much happier when I realized I could pump hands-free and answer emails/eat breakfast/be a regular human being while pumping!
And PLEASE check with your insurance about pump coverage - after the twins were born my insurance company covered this pump
in full!
5. High-calorie snacks
You may have an efficient nurser and a great sleeper who gives you plenty of time to prep and eat food. OR you may have a baby who is attached to you 24/7, so much so that suddenly you realize you're about to pass out because you haven't eaten anything all day and it's 2 o'clock!
Do yourself a favor and keep your house stocked with high-calorie, nutrient-rich snacks that are either portable (stick them in the pocket of your nursing pillow!) or easily consumed. Some of my favorites:
Cheese (pre-slice the blocks so that you can eat it one-handed)
Carrots/pita & hummus
Granola bars
Dried fruit
Basically anything that keeps you reaching for that second (or fifth or tenth...) cookie (although cookies and milk are also an excellent snack...)!
What do you think - what would you add to the list? I'm definitely a big fan of kindles/smart phones and good water bottles for nursing moms, too. What are your must-haves?
Linking up with Hallie & her Five Favorites link-up!
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