I woke up this morning feeling soooo happy and excited - it's been a very weird and stressful Lent and when I woke up and knew that Jesus is risen, I just felt immensely happy and at peace. No matter what happens in our world, the story is the same every year :) And regardless of how we may feel about this ever-changing world in which we're challenged to raise Catholic children, our God is always going to save us from our sin!
Is that button not the cutest? Double dipping on my link-ups today for good ol' What I Wore Sunday with Fine Linen & Purple, and Grace & Co. for What I Wore Easter.
I LOVE Easter clothes because the boys can finally break out the seersucker. Andrew told me, very seriously, that he thinks it's JUST STUPID that you're not supposed to wear seersucker until Memorial Day, and that he's making the rule Easter to Labor Day. Rebel.
Last year, Andrew and John Paul wore seersucker suits and father-son bow ties. Amazing, right?

But this year the seersucker coat I wanted went out of stock before it went on sale, so poor John Paul was stuck with pants only. I spiffed them up with navy suspenders & a plaid tie. Bad haircut courtesy yours truly - I just don't know what to do with his wild thick hair!
Okay what do we do about our front steps? They used to have awful green turf on them and bare is better but they still look awful... DIY-ers, got anything for me?
Cecilia wore an awesome pink lace dress and too-small pedipeds (on the wrong feet, of course).
The kids saw me laying out their clothes the night before and HAD to try them on because John Paul is seriously obsessed with his seersucker pants. So I told them they could try them on and we'd take pictures as long as they didn't get dirty. Then they rolled in the grass and woodchips and freaked out that I wouldn't let them wear the clothes for dinner just because I had to wash them...
I wore my Christmas present (and motivation to get skinny or at least skinny enough to fake it with shapewear) from Shabby Apple with red Nine West pumps & the same Easter hat Iwhich you can't see very well) as last year (shh...). Last Easter we had *just* found out we were pregnant with what we thought was only #3... Little did we know!
Andrew's rocking a seersucker suit and madras bow tie, and the twins (like you care) are in hand-me-down dresses. Cecilia insisted on wearing her non-matching pink hat - whatever!
A close-up of the hat, later in the day:
The kids did an awesome job at Mass, an Easter miracle! We hit the 7:45 instead of our usual 9 AM, and it was still almost packed, but I think there were very few of the C&E crowd there. A friend of mine attended exclusively Extraordinary Form masses in the year after the new translation came out and totally got dirty looks at an English Christmas Mass, so I chose to assume that anyone saying the wrong responses was just used to saying them in Latin :P
Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed day!
Check out more well-dressed ladies at Camp Patton & FL&P!