
Monday, May 20, 2013

I'm kind of anti-dressing the twins in matching outfits...  But we were at our favorite consignment store a while back and these were on final markdown for less than $2/each.  So I couldn't resist!  Really just because I was imagining a really fun photo shoot :)  And while I still want to take them outside (once they're actually sitting up) and get some good pictures in their outfits, we got some fun indoor pictures:
Elizabeth likes to fling herself around whenever I try to position her...

Oh wait, so does Mary Claire...

Babies in motion!  Just try to catch us before we fall off the couch, Mom!

You're gonna peekaboo us?  Funny!

SO funny!!!  Mary Claire can't even keep her tongue in her mouth, that's how funny!

Gotta love the coy expressions...

Mom...  She's SUCKING my SHOULDER!


Okay, let's try moving them...  Nope, Mary Claire would rather play with a toy.

But Elizabeth will smile and flail!!!

Or just smolder, that's cool too.

Aaaaand there's only so long I can take pictures these days before they start rolling away!  We'll try this again another day :)


  1. THANK YOU!!

    They are so beautiful, and you know, besides their bald baby heads they really don't look alike! I hate it when my sister sucks on my shoulder too.

    1. I hated it when my sister did that, too. Except she didn't do it much, maybe because she's eight years older than I am.

  2. So. Cute. Wow. And like Colleen pointed out ^^ they each really have their own looks don't they?

  3. So cute!! And, they really don't look that much alike.

    1. I know, I'm not sure they share ANY facial features... Maybe their mouths? But their smiles are totally different!

  4. So adorable!! I love that they look alike enough to be twins but still have their own look and you can tell them apart!

    1. I was so worried we'd have an identical set and have to keep their hospital bracelets on to tell them apart! Luckily it was easy to tell right off the bat :)

  5. Adorable ~ so much fun see them play together and interact with you.

  6. Elizabeth looks like JP & MC looks like Cecilia! (In my humble opinion I mean...)

  7. They are so cute!! Love the outfits!

    1. Thanks! I'm a sucker for those adorable little sunsuits :)

  8. Oh my gosh--so much cuteness! These pictures really gave me a lift today!

  9. Oh they're just so darn cute! They sooo photogenic too! I can't get my girls to look at the camera at the same time not to mention smile at the same time. Love those outfits too. I'm all about matching our girls which is funny because my mom matched my two sisters and I all the time and we weren't even triplets and I hated it growing up but now I'm in the same vicious cycle...

  10. Too cute! I love how Elizabeth cuddles Mary Claire so much. They are going to be such great buds when they get older!

  11. Unbelievably cute. And I am aware of the high cheese factor of dressing alike, but if I had twin girls, I sooo would.

  12. I have that exact same outfit for Lucia! She wore it a few days ago. (It's obviously a bigger size.) I like when twins are semi-matchy. Like same outfits in different colors or same colors but slightly different style of dress.

  13. I dress my twin girls alike and plan to until they are old enough to say no. In fact it bothers me so much when they are not matching. I am so type A. I figure if God designed them with matching DNA who am I to make them different. Your girls are so beautiful! (So is big sister and brother.)


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