She is 27.25 inches (94th%), about 16.5 pounds (64th%) and her head is in the 93rd%. At first I freaked out a little that her weight is so low compared to her head and height, but then I realized that it's still above average... She and John Paul both have tended to be long and lean, not a whole lot of excess chunk on these kids.
The nurse practitioner told us that we should be giving vitamin D drops and iron-fortified cereals. I smiled and nodded. Not gonna happen. I don't understand this whole vitamin D trend - it's really not proven to be beneficial except in places where there is very little exposure to natural sunlight. And don't even get me started on baby cereals...
Our first *real* foray into solid foods (in which she was given food that she was actually capable of consuming, rather than chewing/sucking on) was today. I think this series of pictures sums up the experience:
"Finally, something BESIDES toys while I sit in this high chair. Wait, this feels like FOOD!"
"Hmm... I like it inside this teether thing... But it's still pretty hard to grab."
"I mean, this fork is pretty tasty... But I knocked the peach off before I had a chance to taste it."
"WAIT! Hold up you guys, I got something in my MOUTH and it is not a fork..."
"Well... Maybe I'll try a little more..."
I think she managed to get a little bit down her throat. Not a traumatic experience, not a rousing success. I'm thinking we'll try banana tomorrow, but we'll see what we have lying around that's ready to be eaten.
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