1. John Paul rubbing his diaper saying, "Butt Cweeeem" and then rubbing it on his plane, "Butt cweem pwane!" Of course, his plane has a diaper rash and needs cream.
2. John Paul singing the song that I sing when I clip his nails. "Cwip your pointer, cwip your pointer, cwip it off! Cwip it off!" Now he's singing it about his crayons. "Cwip your yeh-whoa, cwip your yeh-whoa. NOW. Cwip your gweeeen. Cwip your gweeeeen."
3. John Paul using his fat crayons as chapstick - I was confused at first, he just kept rubbing them on his lips and saying, "Chap. Sticks! Chap. Sticks!" Then I got it - my mom had let him use her chapstick over the weekend. Apparently crayons are the same thing...
I didn't let him use it -- I very carefully put a tiny bit on his loose little lips. Golly, if I'd let him use it, I would never have gotten it back!