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The Apple Pip Princess
Not at all saccharine, beautiful pictures, and a story I actually hadn't heard of before!
Yes! THE Mercer Mayer who does the Little Critter books! This one is on the dark side - lots of details I'd never heard of in a fairly long Sleeping Beauty retelling, and I had a little trouble telling the difference between several of the female characters... But beautiful pictures and great text.

The pictures! Rapunzel is Cecilia's favorite fairy tale princess, although I'm not sure why... I'm just glad she hasn't asked how exactly Rapunzel "married" the prince when they were alone in the tower, and how exactly Rapunzel ended up getting pregnant with twins.

Beauty and the Beast
I love love love the style of illustration in this one - it's a nice read as well, flowing language and not overly long.
And now, for something completely different!
I've been cold-brewing my coffee all summer but it's finally cool enough in the mornings that I really want something warm to drink - I've done instant (blech. But cheap, at least), and I really tried to like a hand-me-down Keurig last year but I just couldn't get the coffee strong enough!
I read about the Aeropress Coffee Maker a while back and while it's definitely more effort than brewing a whole pitcher full of coffee for the week, it's DEFINITELY an improvement on weak coffee & instant coffee! I don't drink enough to justify a real coffee maker, nor do I want something that takes up the counter space that a real coffee maker would take up...
Now I just need to get John Paul to wake up early enough to make it for me! He's DESPERATE to try... But if I'm up before 6 and he's not up until 8, there's no way I'm waiting.
How about a photo dump for those of you not on instagram?
Our playground game might just have changed for the better...
Giant playground "hamster wheel"
Peter's favorite part of the pumpkin patch we visited
Obligatory "how tall this fall" pictures...
Looking back at last year's pictures, are the twins seriously about as tall as Cecilia was a year ago? Okay, she IS a shortie! Here's 2 years ago for comparison, 3 years, and 4 years... And WHY did I not try to get Peter in a picture? Oh well.
I think this is the first year we're going to be able to skip trick or treating completely! We're going to an all-day party that's got enough activities to keep everyone happy without having to figure out how to corral everybody while trick or treating and trying to keep them from eating all their candy while walking from house to house - a big win in my book! Now maybe the big kids will forget about it and we can just do parties from now on...
Linking up with Kelly at This Ain't the Lyceum - go check out more Quick Takes!